If you have a low credit score due to previous bankruptcies or other financial difficulties, or you have just moved to a new place and have no credit history, it may become difficult for you to secure a lease. It does not mean you will not get a lease or loan, as there are alternatives to leasing and ways to improve your bad credit or grow your credit history. Visit eAutoLease.com to find out more about leasing, what is considered bad credit, and how you can find the perfect vehicle considering your credit situation.
Helpful References About Car Leasing:
- Best Lexus Lease Specials
- Nissan Lease Cost
- Mercedes Benz Lease Offers
- Honda Lease Deals
- Ford Leasing Programs
- Infiniti Lease Specials & Discounts
If you are in the market for a new car, leasing may seem a better option than financing, as leasing has certain advantages. It could mean lower monthly payments, less upfront costs, and little or no repairs. Also, you don’t have to worry about selling or trading in the vehicle once the lease is up.
However, getting a lease is not easy, and you have to qualify for it, just like you do for an auto loan. If you do not have a good credit score, it could make things more difficult for you. Also, if you qualify for a lease with bad credit, these low scores can affect your lease terms.
Keep these important details in mind if you are thinking about leasing a car with poor or bad credit, and learn some tips that could help you improve your credit scores.
Read more: Selling A Leased Car
What credit score is needed to lease a car?
While there is no specific credit score needed to qualify for a lease, having a higher score increases your chances of securing one. The minimum credit score needed to lease a car varies from dealership to dealership and client-dealer relationship.
You must know why credit is important when you are looking forward to lease. It plays a significant part as your credit scores give the dealership an idea of how risky it might be to lend you a vehicle. The higher your credit scores, the less risky it is to lend to you.
Good credit scores indicate you have a history of using credit responsibly and paying your loans back on time. On the other hand, low or bad credit scores show that you are a risky borrower, and it may not be such a good idea to work with you. All this makes difficult for you to qualify for a lease.
It is essential to understand that credit scores are not the only factor a dealership might consider when reviewing your application. They also look at other financial information to make a decision.
Leasing a car with bad credit – here is what you must know
Even if you have qualified for a lease with bad credit, your low credit scores can affect the terms of your lease. The dealer may ask you to pay a bigger security deposit or down payment, or you may have to pay a higher interest rate, also known as the money factor or lease factor.
In addition, you may have fewer vehicle options to choose from as compared to someone with a higher credit score. All these costs, along with the regular fees and taxes, are typically associated with leasing a vehicle, especially with a bad credit score.
Alternatives to leasing a car with bad credit
If you are not qualifying for leasing or cannot get favorable terms, there are alternate ways to access a car.
They include:
- Lease transfer – Also known as a car lease swap, a lease transfer allows you to get an auto lease from a leaseholder. It may be a friend, a loved one, or someone you know who can transfer their lease to you. You can search through a service that specializes in connecting leaseholders with those looking to take over an existing lease.
- Car-sharing services – Such services are available in many cities and give you a chance to rent a car for a short period of time. It can be for a few hours to a few weeks. You can return the car when you are done with it.
- Special financing departments at a dealership – Some dealerships have special financing departments that focus on working with people who do not have a good credit score. If your dealer has such a department, you can look up and find a deal where you can repay easily.
It is important to note that these alternate options may have credit requirements of their own, and you must be eligible for them to lease a car.
Read more: How To Return A Car At The End Of A Lease (Complete Guide)
What can you do to improve your credit scores?
Improving your credit score can make it easy for you to lease a car. The better credit score you have, the better lease terms you can enjoy. However, if you don’t have a good credit score, this does not mean you have to live with it for life. You can work on improving your credit score through responsible financial behavior.
Here are a few tips from experts that can help to improve your credit scores:
- Don’t be late with your bill payments – Delayed and missed payments impact your credit score negatively. Always try to pay your bills on time. You can also set up automatic payments or electronic reminders to ensure you stay on top of your due dates.
- Do not exceed your credit limits – Your credit utilization ratio is a measure of how much of the available credit you are using. A high credit utilization ratio is not good for your credit score. Experts recommend keeping your use of credit at no more than 30% of your total credit limit.
- Pay your credit card balances in full – Paying your balances in full every billing cycle ensures you are well before your credit limits. In addition, it also helps you pay less interest as compared to carrying over the balance month after month.
- Only apply for the credit you need – Too many credit applications over a short time could result in hard inquiries over your credit reports. These inquiries make the lenders believe that your financial situation is not well. It could impact your credit score negatively.
- Work on building a long credit history – Credit scores are based on experience over time. The more experience you have with using credit, the better it works for you.
While working to improve your credit scores, keeping a check on your credit can help track your progress. If you cannot manage things on your own, seek professional guidance. With the right assistance, you can monitor your credit and learn how to improve your credit score over some time.
Bad credit is not the end of the world. People can get into trouble, often through no fault of their own, and they can make it right with a little focus and hard work. Even though it might be harder to qualify for a lease with bad credit, it is not impossible. You can lease a car regardless of your financial situation with some help and understanding of how to work on your credit scores.